Bacon and Egg Cups
Prep time:
15 minutes
Cook Time:
20 - 25 minutes
Take a bite out of mid day hunger with these protein packed Bacon and Egg cups!
Featured Product
Reynolds Kitchens® Baking Cups are perfect for this recipe.
With our baking cups you can make your cupcakes as special as the reasons why you bake them.
Choose from StayBrite® vibrant colours or versatile plain baking cups. Foil lined, freestanding, and easy release, with no muffin pan needed.
6 eggs
6 strips of bacon
3–4 green onions, chopped
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup milk
Reynolds® StayBrite® Baking Cups
Step 1
PREHEAT oven to 350 °F.Step 2
CRACK eggs into bowl, and mix with milk, green onion and cheese.Step 3
LINE cupcake tin with Reynolds® StayBrite® Baking Cups. Wrap slice of bacon around the inside of the baking cup.Step 4
FILL bacon-lined baking cup 1/3 full with egg mixture.Step 5
BAKE until cooked all the way through, about 20 to 25 minutes.